Assasin 1.1

Released 22 years, 4 months ago. August 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By ~LOM~

Assasin 1.1
From UK
Author ~LOM~
Family Assasin
Category Remote Access
Version Assasin 1.1
Released Date Aug 2002, 22 years, 4 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
size: 216.064 bytes

port: 5695 TCP

Author Information / Description
General Help / Mods

Edit Server :
Assasin's Edit Server doesn't ACT in the same way as most Trojan's Edit Servers. It does
not require you to input a Server file (only a filename to output to). This might upset
some people BUT i have done this to ensure security measures. Not being able to load from
a previously made server makes it VERY hard for an experienced victim to run through an
Assasin Edit Server, and get all your server information!! Instead the server copies from
a template server (server.lom) and writes to a brand new filename of your choice.

Dll packed :
The Dll's have been packed with UPX. If you would like to pack it with an alternate,
then use UPX to unpack it, and pack with your own one. I have made them packed by default
so newb's can benefit from comporession as well.

Written by

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