Aim Downloader

Released 20 years, 1 month ago. September 2004

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Leo

Aim Downloader
Author Leo
Family Aim Downloader
Category Information Stealer
Version Aim Downloader
Released Date Sep 2004, 20 years, 1 month ago.
Language Visual Basic, compressed with UPX
Additional Information
size: 12.832 bytes

added to registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\America Online\AOL Instant Messenger (TM)\CurrentVersion\Users\Xfer

Author Information / Description
Due to one of Aim Instant Messenger’s vulnerability’s, there is a very simple way
to get access to somebody’s files (using the "Get File" feature) by altering Aim’s
file transfer settings in the registry.

First you need to create the server, and then you send the person whom you want 
to access their files the server. Once they open it and restarted Aim, you 
click People>Get File.. on their Instant Message window, and boom.. you can access 
and download their file's with out them knowing a thing.

Anywayz here's what to do...

Open builder.exe, at the top you will see "Post victim's ID to webpage"

You will ONLY need to check this option if you don’t know who’s downloading your
server, for example ; if you put the server onto a website for anybody to download
then you would check this option to make the server post the victims Aim screen 
names onto your site (so you add them to your buddy list and wait for them to login
and secretly browse their files). [ READ PHPPOSTELP.TXT FOR HELP WITH THIS OPTION ]
If you just going to send the server to your freind's or whatever then you wont need
to use this option.

"Kill Aim Messenger on load" 

Now, once the victim opens the server you won’t be able to get files until they have
restarted Aim. So… if you don’t feel like waiting for them to do it manually check
this option and when the server is opened it will close the victims Aim, forcing 
them to login.

"Server Icon" 

If you want to change the icon of the server simply click one of the 4 i added to the
builder (work's on XP).

That's it! Click build and you have your server!!!! now send that server to whoever
you want to get files secretly from! ( DONT open the server!!!! )

Enjoy, Leo.

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